这是未经授权不得出现在 ASI 产品中的商标和LOGO列表。有任何疑问,欢迎咨询外贸边界小编,或请联系您的 ASI 经理。
最后更新日期 10/20/20 – *表示此次更新加入的商标
3M | March Madness term |
ASI Logos | * Marine Corp logo/trademark |
ABC logo/trademark | Marlboro/Marlboro Lights cigarettes |
AT&T logo | McDonalds |
Actor/Actress-Professional-promoting prod. | McGruff Crime Dog name and image |
Acura trademark/logo | Mello Yello soft drink |
Allianz Life | Melmedica Children’s Healthcare |
American Airlines | Mercedes Benz trademark |
American Heart/Stroke Association | Merit brand cigarettes |
Apple trademark & logos including all I- products | Merrill Lynch, Fenner & Smith/Bull symbol |
Aramis logo | Milk logo |
Audi logo/trademark | Molson & Molson Canadian logo/trademark |
BAND-AID Brand trademark | Monster Energy Drink |
Barefoot Wine and Bubbly | Montage Hotels |
Banker or Bankers trademark | Mr. Pibb soft drink |
Barq’s beverage | Mukluk, Muk Luk |
Basic brand cigarettes | NCAA Collegiate logo/trademark |
Big Boy logo/trademark | NFL-National Football League and teams |
Big Thunder/Little Thunder | NHL-National Hockey League and teams |
Blue Cross/Blue Shield | NBA-National Basketball Association and teams |
Blue Moon logo/trademark | NSL-National Soccer League and teams |
BMW Corporate logo | National Park Services Arrow |
Boeing | Nestea |
Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts of America | New York Life Insurance Company |
All Budweiser/Anheuser-Busch logos/products | New York Times |
Buell American Motorcycles | Nike/Nike Golf |
Buick trademark/logo | Oldsmobile |
Cadillac trademark/logo | Olympic/Special Olympic trademark/logos |
Camelbak | “Oscar” statuette/likeness |
Clubmaster | Parliament/Parliament Lights cigarettes |
Captivate Network | Philip Morris brand products |
Cardinal Health | Pine Tree Shaped Air Freshener |
Caterpillar trademark/logo | Pioneer Hi-Bred Intl. name and trademarks |
Century 21 trademark/logo | Players brand cigarettes |
Chevrolet trademark/logo | Pontiac trademark/logo |
Chrysler trademark/logo | Post-it |
Cinzano (USA) trademark/logo | PGA (Professional Golf Association) logo |
Citizen Watch trademark/movement | Planet Holywood |
Citra | Playboy/Rabbit head logo |
Clik Clak | Porsche |
Coca-Cola/Diet Coke/Cherry Coke | Power Promo Balance wristband product |
Collegiate logos/mascots/slogans*** | Powerade drink logo |
Collegiate bowls/conferences*** | Presidential Seal |
***See list of collegiate members at www.clc.com under Clients | Ramblin’ Root Beer |
Combined Federal Campaign | Red Cross trademark |
Comdisco | REI |
Consumer Report | Return of the Jedi |
Coors & Coors Light logo/trademark | Ritz Carlton Hotel logo |
Costco | Ross and Ross Dress For Less |
Cotton Logo & Trademark | Rotary International |
Crayola | Rolex name and crown emblem trademark |
Croakies | Rubik’s/Rubix Cube |
D.A.R.E. logo | Salvation Army |
DD’s Discount | Samsonite |
Deloitte | Saturn logo/trademark |
DigiClean trademark | Scruff name and image |
Walt Disney trademarks/logos | Seattle’s Best Coffee trademark/logo |
Dunlop Tires | ServiceMaster |
ESPN trademark/logo | ServPro logo/trademark |
The Empire Strikes Back | SLINGSHOT |
Enbridge | Slinky |
Encourage-Mints, Encouragemints | Smashlight |
Ethos trademark | Snoopy character |
Fanta | Snuggie |
Farmers Insurance Group | Soft Touch |
Ford Motor Products | Sparky the Fire Dog logo/trademark |
Frappuccino trademark | Spectra Energy |
Fresca | Spherical shaped lip balm item LBEGG from Webb Company |
Fruitopia | Sprite |
Gemline | Sprout |
General Motors/GMC trademark/logo | Staples |
General Electric/GE logo | Star Wars |
Giorgio Perfume | Starbucks or Starbucks Coffee logo/trademark |
Girl Scout logo | State Farm Insurance logo |
Go Green Initiative (GGI) | Styrofoam |
Golds Gym | Subaru |
Goodyear/Goodyear Racing | Subway |
Greek Sorority/Fraternity Organizations | Sun Logo from Diono |
Hard Rock Café trademark/servicemark/logo | Sundesa’s Blender Bottle or Sportmixer Logos |
Harley-Davidson Motorcycles | Superman logo or Superman caricature |
Heineken | Surge soft drink |
Heissman Trophy | Tab soft drink |
Hello Kitty trademark/logo | TABASCO |
Honda, W-Wing emblem,Wing Elite servicemark | “Take A Bite Out of Crime” expression |
HSBC trademark/logo | Tank |
Hummer trademark/logo | Traveler’s Insurance |
Hyatt Corp trademarks | Tree Design car freshner |
IBM | Thrivent Financial for Lutherans |
I ♥ NY | US Green Building Council |
Intel | US Coast Guard |
Ipod (listed under Apple) | US currency at original size |
Java City trademark/logo | United Parcel Service (UPS) logo/trademark |
Javalina | United Way-hand and rainbow symbol, three people symbol, eagle and stars symbol |
JENGA-in relation to Games | UNUM |
John Deere logo & trademark | Veteran’s of Foreign Wars of the US |
Kellog’s trademark/logo | Vanguard Group logo/trademark |
Kelly brand tires | Verizon name and trademark |
Keystone Light logo/trademark | Virginia Slims brand cigarettes |
Killian’s Irish Red logo/trademark | Volkswagen logo/trademark |
Koozie | Wayfarer |
Leatherman | Wellpoint (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) |
Lion’s Club International | WNBA-Woman’s National Basketball Association and teams |
Lucky Line name | Woody Pens |
M & M/Mars trademark/logos | YMCA/Y logo and trademarks |
Magic Cube/MagiCube Name and Trademark | Zamboni logo and ice machine likeness |
MLB-Major League Baseball logo and teams | Zima logo/trademark |